4 Early Signs that Your Bone Health may be Declining

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4 Early Signs that Your Bone Health may be Declining

bone health deterioration

Bones are primarily responsible for our everyday movement, it gives us good posture and it also protects the vital organs in our body from external forces that can damage their function. However; making sure that the bones are getting the nutrients it needs and keeping it strong is the least concern that comes in our minds. As we grow older, our bones become weak over time. Bone Health Management is needed to prevent such occurrences in our life. It is important to take care of the bones as it frames our body, allows us to do a variety of things we wish to, and it receives the impact of our daily activities. Knowing the early precursors of bone health deterioration can prevent us from worsening the problems in the future.

Here are the 4 early signs that your bones health may be declining:


1. Brittle Nails

Nails are one of the indicators if there is a problem in our immune system. Sometimes, brittle nails can be a result of too much use of nail polish or too much exposure to water but it is also a sign of malnutrition. In order to have healthy nails, it has to have the same nutrition as our bone needs. Brittle nails mean that there is malnutrition that can affect also our bones.

2. Receding Gums

Receding of the gums is a common dental problem especially for older people. It occurs when there is a bone loss occurs in our mouth. It is not always because of excessive brushing and infection but also a precursor that there is a mineral loss in the spine that causes the problem. Treating it right with the help of the experts will prevent worsening the problems.

3. Cramps and Joint Pains

Having to experience joint pains and cramps are common to us after a strenuous exercise or long period of manual works. However; having to feel it consistently may be because the body is experiencing calcium and Vitamin D deficiency. The said deficiency can result in osteoporosis, a disease when the body is experiencing too much bone loss. The bones become weak and can easily be fractured. Therefore, Joint pain management is very important as we grow older.

4. Height Loss

The height of the person with osteoporosis can easily decrease due to excessive bone loss happening inside the body. It also easily seen because of the bad posture that can make the people suffering osteoporosis appears smaller. By keeping the lifestyle active and eating calcium and vitamin D rich food will definitely decrease the chance of acquiring osteoporosis.

There are many factors that people cannot control in getting osteoporosis like gender, ethnicity, age and family history. The only thing we can do is to try to prevent them from getting worse. Dr. Santosh Shetty together with their team at Bone & Joints 360 is best orthopedic surgeons in Mumbai and also a pain management specialist. They are expert in their field and can help you in both bone and joint pain management to keep you healthy and live the best version of your life with proper lifestyle and nutrition away from declining Bone Health.

Dr. Santosh Shetty
Dr. Santosh Shetty
Specialist in Joint Replacement and Trauma Surgery with more than 15 years of experience.
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