Hip and knee surgeries are a very common type of orthopedic surgery. In the treatment of severe conditions of arthritis, the huge number of peoples undergoes knee and hip replacement surgeries. Hip and knee surgeries are highly effective for the treatment of arthritis. However, some very serious complication can occur in this process. These complications may be stiffness, contentious pain, healing issues, and other serious issues.
It is much easier for people to not think about the complications. However, it is better to know about possible complications and how we can reduce any risk that is associated with complications. Small changes in habits and some tips may lead to complication free surgery. Risk prevention of complication is not an easy task but with the help of some tips and by taking some decisive steps by you and your doctor, the complications can be reduced to some extent.
Here are some tips that will definitely help you out in order to ensure the successful knee and hip surgery. One can find the best hip replacement surgery hospital in Mumbai, India.
Obesity becomes one of the most common health-related issues in the 21st century. It is behind the rapidly increasing knee or hip surgery seeking patients of arthritis. Due to increased obesity in the overall population, the number of cases of arthritis. If your BMI is more than 45 then you at the higher risk of joint replacement surgery.
People seeking for surgery can focus on weight reduction before surgery. If you have severe pain in your joints then it is very difficult for you to do exercise but here is the good news for you that you can do many exercises and yoga that will not put stress on your knees or joints. It should be your first priority to reduce weight before surgery.
Smoking is considered as a serious threat to your health and healing process. It blocks the microvascular circulation system that adversely affects joint surgery. It is a widely accepted fact that quitting tobacco smoking before surgery will surely help patients to reduce the risk of further complication related to surgery. One should quit smoking at least 6 to 8 weeks before the surgery.
Alcohol is not good for your health especially when you are seeking knee surgery because according to studies people who take alcohol have a higher risk of complications after surgery.
After the surgery, an anemic person may have a low blood count that will cause the issue in the healing process because low blood cells mean low oxygen supply in the blood. a blood transfusion may be needed after joint surgery.
There are many efforts that may lead to anemia. Some of them are given below:
You should take care of mental health because it is one of the main factors that play an important role in successful surgery. Clinically depressed people have higher chances of having complications after surgery and they have less satisfaction with the joint replacement surgery.
It is one of the most important decisions of your life to undergo joint replacement surgery. However, it is very unlikely to get complications after surgeries. It should be your first priority to decrease the risk of complications after surgery. You can reduce that risk effectively by following some tips and doing small changes in your daily habits. Get in touch with our healthcare team to discuss your journey of joint replacement in Mumbai. We at Bone & Joints 360 have the best healthcare team who can guide you throughout your recovery process making it stress-free & successful.