Judy Prakash who was suffering from Polyarticular Rheumatoid Arthritis had given up on basic things and pleasures of life. Pain and disability was so severe that she could hardly step our of house. She knew that the only option she had was to get a Surgery done as she kept on hearing this from all the Doctors she met over the period of time.
Fear kept her away from the Right Decision & Treatment option in her case which was Surgery.
She was recommended to Dr Santosh Shetty Computer Assisted Navigation Knee Replacement Surgeon from Mumbai
By Dignity Foundation of which she was a Member. Dr Shetty Explained her in Details about the Condition of her Joints and assured her that in her long-term interest and well being Joint Replacement is the best option available at this time of point.
She went through a Detailed Counseling where all her fears were addressed and she was shown before and after results of many such patients.
Slowly she started gaining confidence and let down her fears for surgery. She always knew that she required surgery but the fear didn’t allow her to take the Decision.
When she met few patients who had undergone this Surgery and spoke to them she started getting prepared for the surgery.
She made up her mind after her first visit and interaction with Dr Santosh Shetty that she wants to Get herself operated.
Her Daughter who stayed in Dubai was surprised to hear that finally her Mother was ready to get it down as she herself always knew that it is the only option but couldn’t convince her Mother for the same. She spoke on Phone and Thanked Dr Santosh Shetty for helping her mom get rid of all the Fears.
She flew down at the earliest to Mumbai and Discussed regarding the Surgery and the approach to proceed for the same.
Judy being a Patient suffering from Polyarticular Rheumatoloid Arthritis had severe deformities and very fragile bones due to the long term use of steroids, Surgery would be complex and needed to be done in a Single sitting as both the legs needed correction explained Dr Santosh Shetty to her Daughter.The Plan was further discussed in Details with the Daughter.
Dr Santosh Shetty Senior Joint Replacement Surgeon from Mumbai who is trained in Computer Assisted Navigation Total Knee Surgery planned a Navigated Surgery for her to get the correction and perfect alignment which was necessary to get early recovery and long term results,
Muscle Sparing Approach was planned as the Muscles were already weak due to long term disability from past 7 years.
Oxinium Verilast Implant Knee Replacement Surgery was planned to reduce the incidence of any Metal Allergy if any as she had long term Rheumatoloid Knees and was low on Immunity.
Patient Controlled Analgesia was planned to reduce her post op pain as that was one of her major fears.
The Surgery on both the knees using Minimal Invasive Incision,Navigation and Oxinium Verilast Implant was performed successfully and her main fear of post operative pain and pain during Physiotherapy was taken care of with Patient Controlled Analgesia
She recovered well after the Surgery and started walking comfortably the very next day. She went on to do her exercises well and was Discharged within a week.
Her Daughter had tears of Joy to see her mother walk comfortably again, she was now greatly relieved as her mother stayed alone and there was no one to take care of her as she herself was settled in Dubai.
Post Knee Replacement Surgery Judy started a New Life and started Exploring places which she could not have Dreamt of.
She was super excited to see the New Railway Station which others were talking about but never got to see.
She took a ticket and walked the steps in the Railway Station and walked down the platform and came back.
She started enjoying smaller things in life which she missed doing. She started going to social gatherings which she used to avoid. She started Dancing Traveling and more importantly started living a Content Life though she was living all alone by herself. Now today she counsels patients who have fear of Surgery and convinces them to leave their fear behind and start a new Journey of Life
Judys Journey is truly inspirational to lots of people suffering with Arthritis and to those who have surrendered themselves to the Pain of Arthritis.
#Adding Miles To Life
#Joy in Small Things of Life
#Total Knee Replacement in Rheumatoloid Arthritis
#Adding Smiles To Faces
#Painless Recovery with Patient Controlled Analgesia
#Computer Assisted Navigation Surgery
#Living Life To The Fullest